Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Vegan options beat meat—in health and cleanliness

Since dairy products are now and forever crossed off your grocery list, it is time to reveal the next step. This probably should have been the first step, however, I feel in order to take baby steps it should come second.
By this point, I think you know what I'm talking about, so I'm just going to put it out there: Meat. It has become a staple in a majority of the worldwide population's diet. As I said before, certain groups of people need to hunt for food. However, I explained that we do not. Slaughterhouse workers are guilty of the most tragic crimes against animals. Hogs have been beaten to death with metal pipes and stabbed in the face with butcher knives.
According to Gail Eisnitz's book, Slaughterhouse, a former Perdue worker announced in a Congressional testimony that the poultry plants are filthy. Flies, rats and cockroaches were said to be covering the walls and floors. Believe it or not, insects are the least of my worries when it comes to meat.
The former Perdue worker said, "After they are hung, sometimes the chickens fall off into the drain that runs down the middle of the line. This is where roaches, intestines, diseased parts, fecal contamination, and blood are washed down. Workers vomit into the drain… employees are constantly chewing and spitting out snuff and tobacco on the floor… sometimes they have to relieve themselves on the floor… The Perdue supervisors told us to take the fallen chickens out of the drain and send them down the line."
Even though these chickens should be thrown away, they are sent down the line to be processed. It is nauseating. This excerpt is just a small taste of what goes on. If you feel that you are interested, research the book on the Internet and see what else you can find. I was basically scared away from eating meat. I know this may seem like a slap in the face, we all have the right to make our own life choices, but I'm just trying to save you from making a bad one.
Before I stopped eating meat, I knew what went on at slaughterhouses probably wasn't the most acceptable way of producing meat. But now I know just because I can't see what's happening, does not mean it doesn't exist.
According to Skinny Bitch authors Kim Barnouin and Rory Freedman, about 99 percent of the meat in our country comes from factory farms, where animals are raised in confined, cramped quarters. In order to prevent disease and promote growth, the animals are given hormones, steroids, pesticides, and antibiotics. We, in turn, are ingesting hormones, steroids, pesticides and antibiotics every time we eat meat.
Finally, on a lighter note, there are alternatives! Visit your local Publix and Whole Foods for a variety of meat alternatives. In the frozen food section you'll be able to find Boca Vegan burgers along with a wide selection of vegetarian burgers as well. Alongside the burgers, Boca has Chik'n patties, nuggets, breakfast "meats" and so on.
You may be questioning about protein. Think you won't get enough eating this way? Think again. Americans eat twice as much protein than we are supposed to. It's not our fault, the USDA brainwashed us into thinking we do. That's because they put business first. It has been hammered into our heads that we have to eat meat to get adequate protein and iron. The truth is all the protein and iron that we need comes from the natural foods that we eat. The only thing missing is the fat and cholesterol. Oh wait, that's a good thing. By eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes you will avoid health risks like mad cow disease, trichinosis and the bird flu.
Don't think of it as giving up foods, think of it as replacing food with even better food. For instance, you don't have to give up turkey sandwiches. Publix sells products such as Tofurky deli slices found in the produce section. On the same shelf you will find so many other meatless options.
Yes, eating like this can and will help you lose weight if need be. However, that is not the main goal. The main goal of taking on this way of life is to be the healthiest person you can possibly be.
OK, let's get real, I know you're probably thinking for the most part that you can do without the meat and dairy and that's a good thing. But what about the junk food? Oh boy, I can't wait to get into the junk food. Being a vegan does not mean that your pigging out days are over. Actually, it is far from it. The tasty desserts and other treats are practically endless. Anyway, there is a whole other day for that lesson, just know it is coming and you should keep up because you may find it quite satisfying.
You've already come so far! Super Bowl Sunday is creeping up on us and I couldn't be any more excited. I know the big game is all about stuffing your face with nachos, pizza, chips and dip. There is absolutely no way I am going to be sitting in the corner munching on a carrot stick. That's just not cool and not in the spirit of football. If you want to learn about vegan/vegetarian Super Bowl snack alternatives and recipes make sure to read next week! Don't miss out on the traditional pigs in a blanket and pinwheels. Your guests won't be able to taste the difference, promise.

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